詹尼森公立高中(上海)中心依附于美國詹尼森公立高中,美國詹尼森公立高中由密歇根州政府出資、管理,現有學生1461人,教員88名,平均教齡12年,師生比為1:16。學校辦學質量規范、優質;重視學生天賦,強調學生獨立思考,靈活運用等能力,學校的ACT成績常年超越本國平均水平。學校配設有足球場、籃球場、網球場、高爾夫球場和band 樂團。其中band樂團于2001、2002、2003、2004、2005、2006、2007、2010年八次被評為全美佳百強音樂團體。學校高中分別于2003年、2005年、2006年、2007年、2009年、2010年、2013年被《新聞周刊》評為美國佳高中,大學擇校率達到95%。
The honor and privilege of serving as the Superintendent of Jenison Public Schools is a humbling, yet rewarding experience. Our district’s highest priority is the care and education of the children in our community. Jenison Public School employees are committed to fulfilling the district’s mission which is, “ to ensure that each and every student grows intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially in a safe and caring environment. “ We take great pride in the curriculum, quality of instruction, extra-curricular activities, and beautiful facilities that are available to support our students.
We believe:
all students can learn, through a variety of instructional strategies and supports that meets the needs of each and every student.
in trying to personalize curriculum to be able to meet the needs of students, while addressing the required state standards.
in the importance of a strong home, school, parent connection to develop the whole child.
in a strong tradition of excellence that drives staff and students to do their personal best.
in the importance of serving others while learning, through partnering with our community.
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